My Education

Md. Farhanur Rahman
B. Sc Engineer  [Computer Science and Software]

                    B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering  [CSE]
                    Southeast University, Dhaka  [3rd Year Ongoing]
                    Major Areas:     Computer Network Engineering
                                            Software Engineering
                                            Telecommunication Engineering
                                            Computing Information Systems
                    Student ID:  2009200000007
                    School of Science and Engineering
                    Dept. of CSE, Batch: 23rd
                    University Website:

                    Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination  [HSC]

                    Group: Science
                    Institution: St . Joseph Higher Secondary School 
                    Result: GPA :  A- , Grade Point : 3.90
                    Passing Year: 2009, Dhaka Board

                    Secondary School Certificate Examination  [SSC]

                    Group: Science
                    Instition: Noth Kafrul High School , Dhaka
                    Result: GPA : A , Grade Point : 4.63 ,
                    Passing Year: 2007 , Dhaka Board

Special Academic Performance :

                           Awarded Certificate of Honour 

                           The University of New South Wales
                           Sydney, Australia
                           Special Performance for Science 
                           International Educational Assessments 2007
                           Educational Assessment Australia

Performance of  Scholarship Examinations :

                        Certificate Awarded by :

                        Bangladesh Teachers Association
                        For Achieving 3rd Position in
                        Jaynul Smriti Scholarship Examination 2002